banniere CCI 2

Cyclo-Camping International is non-profit organisation bringing together and helping those who travel by bike. It's run by volunteers, fellow lovers of independent bicycle touring, uniting those who are leaving tomorrow with those who've just returned. You can swap tips, meet up and share experiences.
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Cyclo-Camping International is non-profit organisation bringing together and helping those who travel by bike.
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Revue numéro 158, printemps 2021

La revue CCI n°158 arrive ou est arrivée dans vos boîtes, en voici la couverture.couv158

Au sommaire :

Sur la route

  • FRANCE : des reliefs corsés... mais pas trop
  • EUROPE : pliés-mouillés, à la découverte du nord de l’Écosse
  • ASIE : et pourquoi pas une lune de miel en terre kirghize ?

Autres rubriques

  • L’interview de Frank Van Rijn, croqueur de globe ou le Hollandais roulant
  • Nos ancêtres les Cyclopathes : Voyages à vélo avec mon père (artiste peintre) l’été 1897. (1ère partie)
  • Guidolignes, Elles & Ils voyagent, Vie de l’association, Le cycliste oblique
Et toujours toutes les revues depuis 1982 et jusqu'à année N-2 téléchargeables sur le site.
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Carte islande


Inside information on countries to visit, by and for cyclists.
2015 clerc festival cci a8 009

Our Voyage à vélo festival

Our big event of the year, at Vincennes, near Paris, on the third weekend of January. A wonderful two days of travellers' films, conferences, get-togethers and exhibitions.
The next Festival will take place on febrary 24th and 25th.
Don't hesitate to offer a film show of your own.

Our magazine

Four times a year, pour a coffee or something stronger and lose yourself in the pages of our colour magazine. Journeys, news, exchanges... they're all there.


The Cyclo-Accueil-Cyclo accommodation list

Want to stay the night with a fellow cyclist? Then this is for you.

sorties cci

CCI tours

Bike excursions from a few days to a few weeks, run by and for members.


The CCI internet forum

A world of 1,000 fellow cyclists sharing views, asking help and making friends.